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Transparent and conductive films based on nanocellulose

Speaker: Guillaume Krosnicki | Company: Encres DUBUIT | Date: 2-Dec-22 | Full Presentation

Nanocelluloses have been subject to a recent interest in many fields. Nanocelluloses and especially cellulose microfibrils (MFC) are renewable and bio-degradable material having exceptional properties. The use of MFC as stabilizing agent offers a green way to replace petro-chemical surfactants usually needed to stabilize inorganic particles. The high aspect ratio of MFC allows it to form transparent hydrogel and films once dried.

Silver nanowires are high aspect ratio silver particles which have been used to achieve transparent and conductive layers.

Encres Dubuit - Poly-Ink has used these innovative materials to develop very stable conductive inks based on silver nanowires and MFC. These inks are suitable for screen-printing and coating processes. Transparent conductive films have been produced with high opto-electrical properties without any sintering. The obtained films showed an increase adhesion to substrate and resistance to oxidation thanks to the use of MFC.

These transparent conductive electrodes can then be integrated in opto-electronic devices such as membrane switches, touchpads, displays or solar cells.

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