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The Future of Printed Electronics is Here; Print Electronic Components and ICs

Using a Single Platform

Speaker: Ahmed Busnaina | Company: Nano-Ops | Date: 24-Jun-22 | Full Presentation

Imagine if you can input your design and materials on one end and have your chips come out the other end using one machine? And do this on the same day as you finish the design? What if this machine could be installed in your, lab, or another secure location? We present a new purely additive manufacturing technique for nano and microscale integrated electronics systems manufacturing. This fully automated foundry-in-a-box tool takes less than 10 square meters of space and can be installed and used anywhere to ensure a secure operation independent of any semiconductor fab. The electronic development cycle would be in days instead of six to nine months, with prototyping taking a day or less. The technique eliminates high-energy, chemically intense processing by utilizing direct assembly of nanoparticles at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. This technology can be used to make transistors, diodes, or logic gates using a purely additive (directed assembly enabled) process utilizing semiconductors, metals, and dielectric nanoparticles suspended in a liquid. The nanoscale printing platform enables the heterogeneous integration of interconnected circuit layers (like CMOS) of electronics and sensors at ambient temperature and pressure on rigid or flexible substrates. The technique has been used to make transistors, inverters, diodes, logic gates, displays, all carbon electronics, and sensors at the micro and nanoscale using inorganic and organic materials.

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