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Optical Simulation to Develop Curved OLED and LCD Displays

Curved and flexible displays have risen in popularity in recent years and will continue to do so with high demand coming from several sectors.

This is most visible, of course, in smartphones and tablets, where there is a constant need for innovation in order to keep consumer interest. Further demand is also emerging at a rapid pace from the automotive and lighting sectors. Thus R&D into next-generation displays remains strong.

All of these applications require dedicated features for the control of light-guiding and outcoupling due to the curved geometry. However, most microtextures for beam shaping are designed for flat devices, and their appropriateness for curved geometries needs to be evaluated.

In this video tutorial, Dr. Urs Aeberhard demonstrates how to use the Optics module of Laoss to rapidly model a curved display backlight unit. Urs is using Fluxim’s 3D ray-tracing tool Laoss Optics to determine the impact of curved geometries on beam shaping. He is also demonstrating how to design suitable structures to control light outcoupling via microtextures in backlight units for LCD displays.


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