Speaker: Roelof Aalpoel | Company: ScreenTec | Date: 13-14 October 2021 | Full Presentation
The development and production of a disposable sensor can be a time consuming and difficult process. Indeed, the cradle-to-market timeline for any medical device can be long and arduous, due to regulations, standards and gathering evidence.
When embarking on such a journey, it is important to be well prepared, to know where potential pitfalls lie and to waste as little time and resources along the way. Whilst certain steps cannot be rushed, such as gathering clinical evidence, it is certainly possible to optimise other areas.
Design and production are some of the key areas where time and resources can be saved. Rapid prototyping and testing, as well as prototyping with mass production in mind, can save time as well as money.
In this talk we will be highlighting some of the key areas of how pitfalls can be avoided, as well as how to make the eventual mass production more efficient.
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