R2R - UV Nanoimprint Lithography - Nano goes Macro for innovative use cases

Philipp Melchior

Roll-to-Roll UV- Imprint Lithography (R2R UV-IL), a manufacturing technique for creating nanoscale patterns on flexible substrates. This method is an extension of traditional Imprint Lithography, but with a focus on high-speed, continuous, and large-scale production of nanostructures.
In this masterclass you will learn about:
Concept & basics: An understanding of the basic principles of UV-IL, a high-resolution, high throughput and low-cost method for patterning materials on the nanometer scale and the transfer of the process to R2R equipment.
The Roll-to-Roll process: a closer look as well as explanations on R2R UV-IL with insights into the process chain starting with the simulation of applicable designs up to the fabrication of prototypes.
Process flow: An overview of the different types of materials and flexible substrates used in R2R UV-IL, including polymers, metals, and other materials.
Detailed study of various R2R UV-IL methods, such as thermal, UV, and hybrid coatings and processing options, as well as advantages and disadvantages of each technique.
Markets & Use-Cases: A look at the various industries, market segments and new application possibilities that benefit from R2R UV-IL, such as biomimetics, optics, microfluidics, surface finishing and fraud protection based on actual use-cases. Finally, an examination of the current limitations and challenges faced in R2R UV-IL, as well as the potential for future advancements and innovations in the field will be shown.