This will TechBlick’s third online event covering three major themes in the battery industry:
(1) Solid state batteries
(2) Beyond Li-ion battery technologies
(3) Next-gen and frontier Li-ion chemistries
The conference covers the latest innovations and developments on applied research, materials, manufacturing and applications from around the world.
The programme is entirely curated by our in-house experts, striking a fine balance between industrial developments and applied research advancements, bringing together a world-class set of speakers from end users, material developers, manufacturers, start-ups, as well as renowned research centers and market analyst groups.
Our exceptional online events are also truly a unique networking opportunity.
All talks will be given live online but will also become available on-demand. The talks from previous events are all also accessible in your library with a single annual (virtual or hybrid) annual pass. You can see the past events here
2023 | Solid-State Batteries: Innovations, Promising Start-Ups, & Future Roadmap
2022 | Solid-State Batteries: Innovations, Promising Start-Ups, & Future Roadmap
* in the agenda means that the title is tentative awaiting final confirmation by the presenter

AMG Lithium
Christoph Hartnig
Business development and R&D manager

Solid electrolyte technology: from precusors and raw materials to securing full value chain
All-Solid-State batteries (ASSB) are the next step in automotive battery technology with regard to increased energy density and safety. The higher energy density allows for more capacity in the same installation space and therefore for longer driving ranges; in addition, the solid electrolyte technology opens space for higher charging rates.
In ASSBs, solid electrolytes are key performance components to reach energy density and safety targets; sulfidic solid electrolytes (SSE) are considered the most promising class of materials.Here, solid electrolytes and precursor materials, especially lithium sulfide, are critical compounds regarding properties of ASSBs.
The availability and, in parallel, high quality of base material are key for performance and stability; AMG is positioned as backward integrated supplier of lithium containing compounds with secured raw material sources allowing for complete control over quality and availability.
Starting from the AMG-owned mine in Brazil, AMG Lithium produces Lithium Hydroxide Battery Grade which serves as both lithium source for cathode active materials and, more importantly, as controlled source for the production of lithium sulfide for SSEs. In order to serve the market demand, the production capacities for lithium sulfide are constantly adjusted to market needs. In parallel, material properties are adjusted based on close exchange with customers and a deep understanding and performance evaluation on the solid electrolyte level.

Ionel Stefan

Transforming Electric Mobility
This presentation will highlight the improvements in pure silicon anode with nanowire structure that has enabled lithium-ion batteries with energy density and specific energy performance that exceed current state-of-the-art graphite cells by 50-100%, depending on cell size and form factor. The rooted nanowire structure has very good mechanical stability, electrical conductivity and connectivity, and allows material swelling within the structure, extending the cycle life to hundreds of cycles. Commercialized products have demonstrated that silicon anode-based batteries can reach 1,300 Wh/L and 500 Wh/Kg while maintaining a cycle life compatible with aerospace, military, and other high-end applications. Moreover, the open nanowire structure enables cells to function at high rates of charge and discharge without overheating, achieving 4000 W/kg power density in cells with over 400 Wh/kg specific energy density. Recent cell design optimization has substantially improved resilience to thermal runaway conditions, such as internal short circuit and nail penetration.

Andriy Kvasha
Team Leader

In-situ solidification: path towards semi solid state batteries mass production
This presentation will review main challenges of SSB development and manufacturing. We will introduce an innovative semi SSB technology CIDEGEL platform pursuing cost-effective in- situ solidification approach which favors to effective integration of semi solid electrolyte into the cell. The electrochemical performance and safety of 5 Ah-class lithium metal and lithium-ion semi solid-state pouch cells will be presented and discussed.

Fraunhofer IWS
Holger Althues
Division Manager Chemical Surface and Battery Technology

Evaluation of columnar Silicon anodes in high energy Lithium-Ion- and solid state battery cells
100% Silicon anodes enable high energy density for future generation batteries.
However, challenges remain concerning their integration in full cells including mechanical stress-induced capacity fade.
Fraunhofer IWS is implementing vacuum deposited Silicon films with columnar microstructure in multilayer pouch cells for various cell chemistries.
Here we present evaluation results on NCM/Si full cells both for liquid as well as for sulfidic solid electrolyte concepts.
Impact of current collector design as well as external pressure application is studied on pouch cell level.
Enhanced energy density exceeding 1.000 Wh/L (stack level) and high rate capability is demonstrated.

Rob Anstey
CEO and Founder

GDI's 100% silicon anodes: achieving MWh production levels, integration into existing cell designs, and excellent safety
GDI will give an update on its silicon anode technology and major milestones from 2023. Topics will cover achieving Megawatt scale production capacities in partnership with AGC. EIB awarding a quasi debt facility to scale this tech in Germany. Third party cell builds by Navitas demonstrating excellent safety results and fast charging cycle life.

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Yanan Sun
Postdoctoral Researcher

Strategies for improving the properties of layered cathode materials for Na-ion batteries
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) as efficient power sources play a crucial role in the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable and renewable energies. However, sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are recognized as a promising alternative due to the similar chemical properties between lithium and sodium, as well as the lower costs and abundance of elements in SIBs. [1,2] With the release of the SIB vehicle by HiNa Battery in 2023, the development of SIBs is approaching the application stage. Layered compounds, in which sodium ions can occupy the interstitial sites, have been explored as potential cathode materials in SIBs. [3,4] As an important component of SIBs, cathode materials with high capacity and good stability are essential for enhancing the electrochemical performance of SIBs. Various approaches can be employed to enhance the performance of the layered compound cathodes, including substitution of cations in transition-metal layers, participation of anionic redox reactions, etc. [5,6] In this presentation, we will share our recent work on improving the electrochemical properties of layered cathode compounds in SIBs. The intercalation chemistry in layered cathodes will also be discussed.

High Performance Battery Holding
Sebastian Heinz

Drop-in production for solid-state batteries
Solid-state batteries are promising candidates to overcome the restrictions of current Lithium-Ion batteries (LIB). But producing solid state batteries is faced with multiple obstacles for serial production due to the necessity of external manufacturing of the solid-state electrolytes. What chances do we have to make the use of state-of-the-art LIB production feasible to produce solid-state batteries? Key to this is the ability to incorporate the drop-in procedure for electrolyte filling in the manufacturing procedure for the solid-state electrolyte – leading to extreme cycle life, superior ionic conductivity, and robust performance.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Stefano Passerini

Reactive Metals for the Energy Transition
Our society is facing a millennial challenge to slow down global warming below 2 °C in the long term.[1] Ambitious policy frameworks and policy intentions are a must to achieve this target. In fact, analyzing the status quo, International Energy Agency (IEA) concluded that the related carbon dioxide trajectories are not compatible with the climate targets, even if current policy commitments and pledges by governments are implemented.[2,3] The challenging issues are the limited use of renewables, merely considered for power generation, but only marginally addressing other carbon-intensive industrial sectors (e.g., cement, steel, smelting), and the practical reduction of CO2 emissions from the transport sector.
Reactive metal-based storage systems are a new alternative to support the clean energy transition. Herein, the cases of Al and Na are presented, both preliminarily fulfilling the constraints regarding sustainability, but employing two rather different processes. Both, the steam combustion of molten Al for H2 and heat production,[4,5] and a new rechargeable battery, which makes use of seawater and sodium as electrodes, show promising round-trip efficiencies.[6] The latter technology also allows CO2-trapping, desalination, Na metal, and chlorine production. It is argued that further research efforts are needed to verify the sustainability and ability of reactive metal-based technologies to compete with other storage technologies.
[1] Report of the Conference of the Parties on its Twenty-First Session, held in Paris from 30 November to 13 December 2015, FCCC/CP/2015/10/ Add.1, United Nations Framework on Climate Change, United Nations, New York 2016.
[2] International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2016, International Energy Agency, Paris 2016.
[3] International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2019, International Energy Agency, Paris 2019.
[4] H. Ersoy, M. Baumann, L. Barelli, A. Ottaviano, L. Trombetti, M. Weil, S. Passerini, Adv. Mater. Technol. 2022, 2101400.
[5] L. Barelli, M. Baumann, G. Bidini, P. A. Ottaviano, R. V. Schneider, S. Passerini, L. Trombetti, Energy Technol. 2020, 8, 2000233.
[6] Y. Kim, M. Kuenzel, D. Steinle, X. Dong, G.-T. Kim, A. Varzi, S. Passerini, Energy Environ. Sci., 2022, 15, 2610.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dr. Maider Zarrabeitia
Principal Investigator

Sustainable and cost-effective synthetic route of bio-waste-derived hard carbon anode materials for Sodium-ion batteries
The commercialization of sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) is around the corner for various applications, such as light electromobility and stationary applications. [1-4] The anode of choice in SIBs is hard carbon, a disordered carbon material. One of the greatest advantages of hard carbon is the possibility of using bio-waste precursors, enhancing sustainability and providing cheap material price from its abundance. However, the bio-waste hard carbons synthetic route often undergoes a strong acidic/basic pre-/post-treatment for removing impurities and increasing carbon yield. [5,6] However, such a synthetic process is not scalable, and the initial Coulombic efficiency (ICE) is highly reduced, limiting the 1st cycle capacity in the full cells.
We attempted to develop a sustainable synthetic route to replace the traditional methods and be easily scalable. In this work, the physicochemical and electrochemical properties of bio-waste derived hard carbon anodes manufactured by sustainable synthetic route will be presented. [7] The results reveal that bio-waste-derived derived-hard carbon produced via facile and sustainable water washing outperforms those obtained via other non-sustainable processing methods in terms of ICE, capacity uptake, and capacity retention. Moreover, the applicability of the bio-waste-derived hard carbon is demonstrated in a sodium-ion full-cell. Finally, the cost-ecological effectiveness of sustainable processed hard carbon is confirmed by life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost analysis.

Arnaud Capgras
Patent & Technology Analyst

Solid-state batteries: update your understanding of the competitive and technology landscape thanks to patent analysis.
Over the last years, many companies have announced their intentions to commercialize and integrate solid-state batteries (i.e., batteries with solid electrolytes) by 2025. The solid-state battery industry is experiencing a dynamic and rapidly evolving competitive and technology landscape, attracting numerous new players.
In this context, patent analysis is a complementary approach to market research to deeply understand the competitive landscape and technological roadmap, be ahead of cutting-edge technology developments, and understand competitors’ strategies more thoroughly. Furthermore, it allows to uncover companies, technological solutions, and strategies that may not have been identified in market research.
Based on our continuously monitoring of patent activities related to solid-state battery, we will reveal what has happened in the patent landscape since 2021: the main IP trends, key IP players and newcomers, their IP strategies and IP strengths by supply chain position (electrolyte, electrode, cell), and solid electrolyte materials (polymer, polymer/inorganic, inorganic, argyrodite, Thio-LISICON, sulfide glass ceramic, oxide glass ceramic, perovskite, anti-perovskite, LiSICON, garnet, NASICON, etc.) with a special focus on emerging halide solid electrolytes.

Paraclete Energy
Paul Jones
VP Corporate Strategy

Introducing Paraclete Energy’s Revolutionary Polymer Matrix Silicon Anode Technology
Unlocking Silicon's Potential: Embracing Polymers Beyond Carbon.
Silicon anodes with elastomeric polymer matrices enhance lithium-ion battery performance, overcoming carbon matrix limits. The adaptable polymer matrix enables diverse electrochemical properties, supporting various applications. This approach allows cost-effective, flexible manufacturing with lower capital expenses than hazardous silane gas-based Si production. Polymer matrices unlock silicon's superior electrochemical potential, surpassing carbon, offering sustainability and efficiency.

Prieto Battery, Inc.
Mike Rosenberg

3D Battery Advancements
As the world continues to move toward an electric future, it is becoming increasing clear better batteries are required. Specifically, we need safer, faster charging batteries with high energy density that can operate well in wide temperature ranges (-30 deg C to 100 deg C). Battery engineers have been trying for decades to achieve these goals of having both higher energy density and high power in the same battery, but have been constrained by the typical 2D architecture which requires making a choice between high energy density or high power (fast charging). A 3D architecture allows both high energy density and high power in the same battery and are now no longer just a theory. 3D batteries are being made and tested that show extremely fast charging (3 min charge from 10 – 80%), operation in a wide temperature range (-30 deg C to 100 deg C) and are safer than traditional Li-ion batteries. The 3D batteries are manufactured using existing high-volume processes at low temperature and pressure without any expensive or exotic hazardous materials, which will provide not only a very low-cost battery, but also a low environmental manufacturing footprint.

Shmuel De-Leon
Shmuel De-Leon

Sodium Ion (Na- Ion) Battery Market 2024 – The Next Technology on Battery Mass Production
Sodium Ion Batteries are the next large production capacity technology for the rechargeable battery arena.
Our presentation will review technology advantages/ limitations – and the motivation beyond bringing that technology to the market.
Last year around 10 companies in China start production of different cell formats – Cylindrical, Prismatic and pouch.
Will review some of the market players status and our prediction for the future Sodium Ion Battery Market.

Damien Despinoy

Conformal Graphene Encapsulation for Next Gen Li-ion Cathode Materials
Volexion is commercializing a drop-in pristine graphene encapsulation solution, stabilizing and enhancing Li-ion materials, specifically cathodes. By controlling the material/electrolyte interface thanks to a pinhole free conformal graphene composite, Volexion's end-to-end solution drives a multi-functional performance improvement in cycle life, gassing reduction & safety, rate capability, voltage range extension, reduction of inactive materials, and wide temperature range operability. Beyond improving current materials, Volexion is an enabling technology for next generation materials such as high-voltage spinel and Lithium and Manganese-rich chemistries. Developed jointly at Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University, Volexion's drop-in technology is immediately usable in existing manufacturing lines and is scaling-up its production capacity to serve industrial partners.

Pirimin Ulmann
Co-Founder & CEO

Solid-state / semi-solid Li-ion battery cells – a process-based categorization of divergent product development approaches
Divergent process technologies that are pursued by key commercial players towards launching next-generation solid-state or semi-solid Li-ion batteries are discussed and compared.
Some of these process technologies are fairly close to existing large-scale Li-ion battery electrode manufacturing processes. Newly emerging process technologies could solve protracted performance and longevity issues yet might in some cases involve elevated uncertainty with regards to up-scaling and the achievement of sufficiently low costs for EV applications.
This talk is based on an analysis of the global Li-ion battery patent literature using a unique ML framework.

rhd Instruments
Dr. Christoffer Karlsson
Senior R&D Scientist

Improving Solid State Battery Materials Testing through Active Pressure and Temperature Control
Solid-state battery materials characterization poses several practical challenges related to sample preparation and measurement conditions. For example, Ohno et al highlighted this fact in a round-robin study in 2020, where ionic conductivities measured for several inorganic solid electrolyte samples were found to deviate by as much as one order of magnitude. Parameters such as pelletization pressure, measurement temperature and measurement pressure greatly affect the obtained results, and it is therefore necessary to control and monitor the experimental conditions throughout measurements. In this talk, characterization of solid electrolytes as well as full solid-state battery cells under active pressure and temperature control is described. A force sensor below the test cell is connected to a servo motor in a feedback loop, giving accurate and responsive pressure control. This kind of active pressure control has been shown to yield the optimal performance of all solid-state batteries. The implications for materials characterization and device performance testing will be discussed.