Mickaël Pruvost
Marketing & Development Manager

Printed piezoelectric materials: review of applications from sensing to actuation to energy harvesting.
Piezoelectric polymers are the most promising electroactive materials with outstanding properties that can be integrated into a variety of flexible electronic devices. Their multifunctional capabilities, bending ability, ease of processing and chemical stability make them attractive for applications in sensors, actuators and energy harvesting. At Arkema, we synthesize piezoelectric fluoropolymers under the name Piezotech that offer endless possibilities to revolutionize our daily lives and make real advances in the electronics, medical, automotive and smart surfaces industries.
The presentation will provide an overview of Piezotech products and their capabilities with a focus on main applications.

Asahi Kasei
Abe Masayuki

Introduction of R2R printing technology for submicron resolution electrodes and applied devices
For high performance and practical use of printed electronics devices, it is important to have a printing technology that can industrially form electrodes with submicron resolution. We have developed our own electron beam lithography technology as a patterning technology for cylindrical plates in order to achieve both mass productivity and high resolution. We have also developed our own metal nano-ink with an average agglomerate diameter of less than several tens of nanometers, as well as our own R2R printing process and equipment. I will introduce these technologies and the hybrid type transparent RFID tag produced by applying these technologies.

BeLink Solutions
Pierre Ball

Industrialization of Printed Electronics technology moving from POC to high volumes.
Printed Electronics technology requires robust industrialization processes to ensure high volume production success.
BeLink Solutions with legacy experience in conventional electronics as well as screen printing for the automotive market has combined both expertises to develop high volumes processes in Printed Electronics.
Our objective is to support Printed Electronics market growth for Automotive, Industrial, Smart Home & Building customers by providing robust and reliable manufacturing processes.

Ana Cortez
RDI Manager

LEIMSA – Lightweight Electronics by Injection Moulding in Seamless Architectures
The LEIMSA project aims to develop disruptive components for the interior of the car, floor center console and dashboard, allowing the integration of truly innovative and sustainable user centered functionalities.
For this purpose, decorative elements and distinctive functionalities will be integrated into the products with as few operations as possible, through the use of emerging and lightweight technologies in the mold (in-mould operations), such as In-Mould Decoration (IMD), or In- Mold Labeling (IML), High Pressure Forming (HPF) and In-Mould Electronics (IME).
Modern IM (In-Mould) technologies allow the combination of several stages of traditional production processes in the mold to obtain additional functionalities for the parts or components, but also for aesthetics improvements. As a result, an upgrade of functionalities is achieved, as well as a better aesthetic appearance and a greater durability of the generated products.
The development of intelligent and haptic surfaces with an attractive seamless 3D design and an immersive and intuitive HMI (human-machine) interface centered on the user experience are the main goals of LEIMSA. For this purpose, the needs of the users were identified, in order to guide the development of product, design and style to the market. The development of production tools and integration for a pre-industrial level of technological maturity is also contemplated.
The LEIMSA project is carried out by a consortium of six highly renowned entities in the national and international automotive industry: Simoldes Plásticos, S.A (leader promoter of the project), Bosch Car Multimedia, Celoplás, Plásticos para a Indústria S.A., DTx, CEiiA and the University from Minho. With a global investment of 4,898,005.06 €, this project is co-financed by the Portugal 2020 Programme, under the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) with the amount of 3,036,914.62 €, from the European Fund for Regional development.

Didier Muller
Responsable R&D

Plastronics – a short introduction
Plastronics is a new branch of the electronics industry, setting the electronic circuitry directly at the surface of plastic parts, or inside its structure.
The different processes of the plastronics (LDS, 2K molding, IME, …) gives possibilities to designers and engineers, depending upon the kind of application: antenna, HMI, lighting, sensors etc.
For customers and users, it permits new experience: surfaces, shapes, and aspects.
After highlighting some key manufacturing processes and their possibilities and limits, this presentation will show potential or existing applications. As a conclusion, we will raise some key challenges and hard points the plastronics is facing, such standardization, recycling, …

Philipp Hölzl
Technical Sales Manager

Inks for printed Electronics
This presentation will show you a short overview of the newest inks at ELANTAS Europe for printed electronics.
Starting with the new fine line ink for different applications, like conductive pattern, sensors and more.
Going ahead with a UV curable silver conductive ink for screen printing. This could be interesting for a roll to roll production to print RFID Antennas efficient and flexible.
At least we would like to introduce our silver conductive ink for InMold electronics with an outstanding performance in the field of thermoforming.

Melbs LeMieux
Group Leader & Lead Scientist

Metal-complex silver inks for EMI shielding and conformal metal coatings for semiconductor packaging
EMI shielding is a critical aspect of semiconductor packaging and chip/wafer manufacturing that ultimately enables OEMs to provide more communication and performance features using less space, weight, and providing more form factors in their products
Sprayable metal-complex films developed and commercialized by Electroninks and Merck/EMD offer high performance metalization allowing OSATS and EMS ease of production with more sustainable manufacturing.

Masaaki Sugimoto

Electronic component fabrication with inkjet additive manufacturing.
Elephantech Inc. is a start-up that manufactures and sells Flex PCB that are manufactured in an environmentally friendly manner by utilizing inkjet printing and copper plating under the mission of “Making the world sustainable with new manufacturing technologies”.
Moving forward, we will work not only on Flex PCB manufacturing but also on printing a wide variety of functions such as 3D wiring formation or sensor production through a method in which digital data is used to layer various materials only on necessary parts.
We will realize a sustainable future by spreading our environmentally friendly technology that has been optimized by digital technologies.
In this presentation, I would like to introduce our newly developed interconnections using nickel nano-ink, show the progress of EMI shield manufacturing technology for electronic components, and present the results of our fine-line fabrication trials combined with laser ablation and optical patterning.

Marco De Angeli
Snr Director Sensors

Recent developments in Flexible Hybrid Electronic technologies and their applicability for successful manufacturing strategies.
The presentation will provide an overview of proven paths to improve time to market, cost of ownership and user experience in scaling up production of Flexible Hybrid Electronics for the Industrial, Medical and Automotive markets. Beginning with material choice and available manufacturing schemes and concluding with proposed applications, we will touch on available technologies and their governing design rules. We will review recent developments that enable finished products to improve user experience and some key learnings from a conductive ink sensor design. Finally, we will provide a couple of examples of scalable FHE applications that meld the use of existing capital assets with the rapidly evolving industry options to deliver improved products.

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Aad van der Spuij
Business Development Manger - PE

Enabling smart surface designs by 3D Printed Electronics
The ongoing expansion of megatrends such as IoT and digitalization, is driving the demand for printed sensors and antennas that are applicable to differently shaped surface structures. Throughout this presentation Henkel Printed Electronics will showcase latest Loctite ink material innovations for 3D printed electronics. Ranging from conductive silver inks suitable for screen printing and forming, valve jet printing and pad printing.

IO Tech 3D Printing
Ralph Birnbaum
Director of Business Development

Digital, Multi-Materials, Non-Contact Large Area Printer
The electronics industry is characterized by a multitude of steps involving many technologies and materials, from the naked PCB to the packaging and assembly of semiconductor devices. All these steps and applications are carried out by many different machines and processes. But at the root of them, several of these steps involve one form or other of depositing a material on a substrate. There are subtractive processes, e.g. etching, additive processes, such as screen printing, and digital processes, such as jet dispensers.
In this paper we present a Continuous Laser Assisted Deposition (C.L.A.D.) technology that combines the benefits of all these approaches in advanced manufacturing. It has the productivity of screen printing, with the flexibility of dispensing and the precision of jetting.
C.L.A.D. technology can deposit highly viscous materials on large areas. The technology is mesh-free, nozzle-free and contactless, meaning lower maintenance costs. As an additive manufacturing technology, it involves less material wastage, and enables new designs. Combining multiple steps into one station is less labour-intensive, and most importantly of all, it uses standard materials.”

Jet Metal Technologies
Samuel Stremsdoerfer

JetSelectiv®: Ultra-thin and eco-friendly selective metallization process
Jet Metal Technologies is a company created in 2007 in Lyon, France, that provides metallization turnkey solutions. The Jet
MetalTM technology uses the simultaneous spraying of 2 water-based solutions that instantly grows a very thin layer of metal directly
onto the surface thanks to a chemical oxidoreduction reaction. This metallization principle only requires spraying equipment at
ambient pressure and temperature. Due to the use of painting tools (booth, spraying gun, pump...), this unique technology perfectly
suits in-line production and can be considered as environmentally friendly as it only uses water-based solutions (CMR & solvent free)
but also no curing step.
Recently, a need has been identified concerning patterns metallization and so the Jet MetalTM traditional process evolved
towards selective metallization with the patented JetSelectiv® process, relying on the use of a negative mask applied with traditional
ink printing methods (screen printing, inkjet, flexography...) then removed during the metallization process to reveal fine metallic
Fig 1: Spraying technology to create a metallic film Fig 2: R2R JetSelectiv® process equipment
Regarding printed electronics, JetSelectiv® is particularly interesting as it deposits, without any curing step, a pure silver
layer that has a conductivity as high as 90% of silver’s bulk conductivity (63 MS/m). With a layer thickness varying from 10nm to 1μm,
sheet resistance can be as low as 40 mΩ/□, which covers most applications for printed electronics (signal tracks, LED powering,
electrodes...). For applications dealing with high-current, electroless or electrolytic plating thickening can be performed.
JetSelectiv® can produce very precise patterns, with a resolution under 20μm depending on the printing technique, which
can satisfy very high-demanding application such as metallic micromesh. While keeping its optical transparency, thin patterns can
be deposited to produce metamaterial that has frequency-selection capability for example. JetSelectiv® is also adapted to realize
sub-micron patterns to replace heavy lithography process for microelectronics application.
For industrial application, JetSelectiv® is adapted from sheet-to-sheet process to roll to roll process (R2R) which offer a
bunch of high outputs industrial options.
Current developments on radio-frequency subjects suggest that JetSelectiv® metallic pattern are relevant for some sub-
GHz application (RFID UHF tags notably with reading ranges similar to what traditional 9μm aluminum etched tags are capable of
but most importantly with future mmWave devices operating in the sub-100GHz domain. In fact, JetSelectiv® delivers thin, very
smooth and highly conductive patterns that can meet high frequency requirements.
Jet Metal pure silver coatings can be used for thermal insulation purposes as confirmed by its reflectivity that is greater than
97% in the IR spectrum. Also heating elements can be produce from various substrates including PET, polyimide films, leather or
even textile. Experiments made on Kapton® film showed that very high amount of heat can be generated (more than 7500 W/m2)
thus reaching very high temperature (greater than 380°C for instance). Micromesh patterns allows to achieve optically transparent
heating elements without compromising its performance.
Until now, Jet Selectiv® only applied to 2D substrates but recent developments led to the realization of selective metallization
onto 3D shaped films using thermoforming that can be part of a 3D injection part. Such process is currently in patent pending as it

Hikaru Uno
Global Product Manager

Metal-complex silver inks for EMI shielding and conformal metal coatings for semiconductor packaging
EMI shielding is a critical aspect of semiconductor packaging and chip/wafer manufacturing that ultimately enables OEMs to provide more communication and performance features using less space, weight, and providing more form factors in their products

Motherson Innovations
Thomas Nugraha
Lead Engineer

Printed Electronics For Product Innovation & New Product Introduction
Motherson's customer demand on product innovation
Introduction to previous projects that challenges Motherson to be more active in printed electronics.
The projects not only cover Automotive projects (which is the core business of Motherson), but also
In different area outside of Automotive industry.
· Printed electronics introduction to Motherson Products
Explanation on the need to implement printed electronics based on above customer demand.
Each project requires always require different "recipe" to meet customer expectation, which result in various challenges.
· Overcoming challenges on prototyping, production and product reliability
Due to each project requires different properties, the combination of substrate, ink and manufacturing steps results in unexpected challenges. We always add one or two additional step compared to our standard development steps to ensure the quality of production and acceptable yield.
· Printed electronics : a close collaboration for all players in the ecoystem
Same as other product and technology. Each player need to understand what is the demand of end customer, while also providing information regarding what was previously impossible, become possible by printed electronics. With this, the customer, may come up with new product idea and innovation by implementing this new possibilities.

Sateco XT
Daniel Haefliger

Molded elastic sensors: from scale-up to commercialization
While stretchable electronics is most commonly realized by printing, this presentation shows an alternative approach using proven elastomer molding technology. The design and manufacturing of a soft capacitive sensor is shown which can continuously measure both touch and compressive force. It can be shaped three-dimensionally, and is suitable for various applications such as automotive, VR, AR, gaming, robotics, medical technology and general industry.
The sensor is made of silicone. It's footprint and dimensions can be freely designed. This enables an ergonomic design of input devices, prostheses and exoskeletons both on small and large surfaces. Silicone is gentle on the skin, and is chemical and temperature-resistant with regard to food.
Validation of the sensor is performed by durability tests including up to 500,000 load cycle and rough environmental conditions of +85°C and -40°C. Various use cases towards commercial use are under way, of which some can be communicated here. Samples including evaluation electronics are available in a starter kit and enable a quick and uncomplicated start into the new technology for everyone.

Schreiner MediPharm
Uwe Braun
Senior Business Development Manager

Smart packages as enablers of digital therapy adherence
Smart packages as Enablers of digital therapy adherence
· Scaling up from manual to industrialized R2R manufacturing processes
· Standardized and highly efficient production platform for smart packages
· Most flexible designs for smart package solutions
· Smart packages as enablers of digital treatment adherence
· Establishing of a complete adherence monitoring system
· Starter Kit for PoCs and first pilot projects

Sheldahl Flexible Technologies
Enid Kivuti
Director, Engineering & Program Management

Recent developments in Flexible Hybrid Electronic technologies and their applicability for successful manufacturing strategies.
The presentation will provide an overview of proven paths to improve time to market, cost of ownership and user experience in scaling up production of Flexible Hybrid Electronics for the Industrial, Medical and Automotive markets. Beginning with material choice and available manufacturing schemes and concluding with proposed applications, we will touch on available technologies and their governing design rules. We will review recent developments that enable finished products to improve user experience and some key learnings from a conductive ink sensor design. Finally, we will provide a couple of examples of scalable FHE applications that meld the use of existing capital assets with the rapidly evolving industry options to deliver improved products.

Sandra Melo
R&I Project Manager

LEIMSA – Lightweight Electronics by Injection Moulding in Seamless Architectures
The LEIMSA project aims to develop disruptive components for the interior of the car, floor center console and dashboard, allowing the integration of truly innovative and sustainable user centered functionalities.
For this purpose, decorative elements and distinctive functionalities will be integrated into the products with as few operations as possible, through the use of emerging and lightweight technologies in the mold (in-mould operations), such as In-Mould Decoration (IMD), or In- Mold Labeling (IML), High Pressure Forming (HPF) and In-Mould Electronics (IME).
Modern IM (In-Mould) technologies allow the combination of several stages of traditional production processes in the mold to obtain additional functionalities for the parts or components, but also for aesthetics improvements. As a result, an upgrade of functionalities is achieved, as well as a better aesthetic appearance and a greater durability of the generated products.
The development of intelligent and haptic surfaces with an attractive seamless 3D design and an immersive and intuitive HMI (human-machine) interface centered on the user experience are the main goals of LEIMSA. For this purpose, the needs of the users were identified, in order to guide the development of product, design and style to the market. The development of production tools and integration for a pre-industrial level of technological maturity is also contemplated.
The LEIMSA project is carried out by a consortium of six highly renowned entities in the national and international automotive industry: Simoldes Plásticos, S.A (leader promoter of the project), Bosch Car Multimedia, Celoplás, Plásticos para a Indústria S.A., DTx, CEiiA and the University from Minho. With a global investment of 4,898,005.06 €, this project is co-financed by the Portugal 2020 Programme, under the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020) with the amount of 3,036,914.62 €, from the European Fund for Regional development.

Sunway Communications
Nouhad Bachnak
Managing Director/Swiss Branch

The trend toward miniaturization and functional integration in the electronic industry is unbeaten
Functional integration requires more and more interconnects to be realized in smallest space. 3D-MID offers solutions meeting both interconnect and space requirements.
The 3D-MID technology is currently in a phase of transformation; it just makes the jump from the usual conductor track widths of 100 to 200 micro-meters in the direction of 10 to 20 micro-meters. 100 to 10 isn’t an improvement, that’s a giant leap. This leap will allow to use 3D-MID on Chip- and IC-Substrate level for mass production and at lower costs.
The current status and new developments of 3D-MID technology at Sunway Communication will be shown in this presentation"

Rafael Michalczuk
Senior Technology Manager

Printed Electronics meets Functional Crystals - Smart Decorative Surfaces for new market applications
Swarovski will showcase the development and application of Printed Electronics in combination with Functional Crystals that enable Smart Decorative Surfaces going beyond pure decorative function – e.g. for the automotive interior design

Manabu Ito

Highly bendable Inorganic TFT Array for Sensor Applications
Flexible thin film transistors (TFT) attract a lot of attention due to its applicability to foldable smartphones, IoT sensors, and photodetectors. For this application, organic TFT had been regarded as a most promising candidate thanks to its soft nature of the component materials. However, organic TFT suffers from its low mobility, poor stability and immature production process.
In this talk, we would like to introduce our highly bendable IGZO TFT. Without employing the neutral plane concept, the TFT can withstand one million times bending tests at a curvature radius of 1 mm for the first time. After one million times bending tests, any noticeable deterioration in device characteristics are not observed. We see a big potential for the application for flexible sensor devices.